This page is was made by EVIL Pinguis. Do not listen to him.

My Perspective

I don't vaush and steven, I think both of them are very bad people and the world would be better off if they were gone, but their friendship is just so wholesome that even the biggest hater cannot afford to lie to themselves and those around them by saying they're NOT invested in them getting back togther #DestinyVaushFriendsForever

Destiny Vaush Brief Synopsis

Destiny. Vaush. Both large political content creators. If you ask someone who was far-right about them they'd say they're far left, if you asked someone who was far-left they'd say they're far-right. If you asked me though, I would say they were friends, the best of friends I'd say. It used to be a proverb for example:

"Thats as complimentary as Destiny and Vaush."

Destiny and Vaush, both intelectials of there field, if you put these two in a discord debate call with adolf hitler they would convince him.

"The friendship despite it lasting over a decade would eventually become lost media, I still remember the day it happened, Vaush was arguing that in his utilitarian socialest sphere society the age of consent would be 9 years old. Destiny gawked up at him "You sicken me Ian, in my ideal captilist society the age of consent would be far higher. DOUBLE DIGITS Ian, 10 years." Vaush looked at Destiny in absolute disgust. "TEN? Steven I can't believe you're in bad faith suggesting the age of consent should be TEN!??" I think when I saw that I somehow knew the bridge was crumbling in two and so was my heart. After this Vaush took hasan in the divorce. This hurt Hasan the most, out of the two Destiny was Hasans mentor, he would know nothing about such things like Palestine without Destiny guidance. Fuck Hasan piece o f FUCK shit."

2022 interview of a DDer

video of them post divorce.


My Destiny Vaush Works